So I'm trying to become a better blogger. I truly enjoy jotting my thoughts down and sharing something that helped me this week. I've been thinking a lot about what to blog next, and how I can really make this meaningful and more consistent. And it occurred to me - just having something to say is not enough. In order to be a better blogger I'm going to have to try to be a better blogger. I have to want it. I have to pursue it.
And I don't want you to think I'd pursue it so I can hang my hat on a large number of views or followers. I believe God has given me things to share. My job is to get those things out there.
If you know me you know I can be kind of intense sometimes. I like to have fun and laugh and all that, but I tend to be a bit more, well, intense. Especially when it comes to God and ministry. I take it very seriously. I'm struggling to find a better word for it other than intense. I don't like it when people stumble; I don't like it when I stumble. I don't like it when I see people give up; I don't like it when I've given up. I'm reminded daily that I have an enemy that is out to seek, kill, and destroy. That's what makes me more intense than some. It's who I am, and that's who God made me.
I was reflecting the other day on my intense nature and was kind of asking God if He would rather I be someone else. Should I try to change my personality? Should I be more like this guy, that youth pastor, this other church member? I struggled with self-esteem for a long time, so sometimes that tries to creep in again and take me off course. But I know who God made me to be, and He's shown me over and over again how He's able to use me and my intense self.
It got me thinking about being a Christian. There are people, even churches, that have lost their intensity for The Almighty God. There are some who never had the intensity in the first place. There are even some, an increasing number it seems, that don't believe that intensity is really necessary when it comes to being a Christian.
But being a Christian is not about just allowing grace to save us from hell in order to "make it" into Heaven. Being a Christian is about pursuing the life that God has planned for us. And that plan is to do more than just barely enough to slide in to Heaven by the skin of our teeth and smelling like smoke. Think of some people that you consider to be truly strong Christians. Are they as relaxed about God, His Word, and His Church as popular church culture seems to be lately? Probably not! I know the people I think about are those people who see God moving on their behalf. They see results. And they pursure God more intensely than a lot of other people.
Going through the motions, getting our gold attendance stars, and just doing things because that's what we "supposed" to do - this is not what Christianity is about!
Here are a few things I set myself straight on this week when I took a gauge of my intensity for my God:
Reading my Bible - How am I going to get closer to Him if I don't listen to what He has already said? A day cannot go by that I don't read and study my Bible.
Church - I need to be there, consistently. And when I'm there, I need to be participating both by serving and by actively listening when the Word is being preached.
Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm is an attitude, and therefore a choice. How pathetic to think people blame their Pastor or the message for their inability to receive something at church? If I'm dialed in and ready to receive, I will. I make the choice. The excuse of "that just doesn't excite me" is a very poor and immature one.
Thoughts - My thoughts become my beliefs. And my beliefs become my words. And my words become my future. I need to spend time thinking about my God. He is my future. And He'll take me to that future that He has planned for me if I don't get in the way!
My encouragement to anyone reading this - pursue God like you never have before. The time is short. The days are evil. God is looking for those true Christians to arise and stand up, to live for Him with the same intensity that His Son died for them.
Let's do this!
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